We are excited to introduce a new initiative for all UvA colleagues who want to engage in research on sustainability and work with other disciplines. UvA Sustainability Platform (USP) is the community that will help you to make new connections, exchange knowledge and work on joint projects.
To introduce you to USP and other researchers who share the same interests, we are happy to invite you to our first community-building event on 2 December from 13.00 – 17.00 followed by drinks. The event will be held at the new sustainability building at Science Park 301, Matrix ONE.
Moderator: Froukje Jansen
1200 - 1300 Arrival
With coffee, tea and light lunch snacks
1300 – 1330 Opening: Introducing USP
1330 – 1520: Building interdisciplinary projects moderated by Anniek de Ruijter (Law Centre for Health and Life)
1530 -1625 Break-out groups (5): USP activities
1. Showcasing of the Sustainable Prosperity Seed-Grant Projects: Timo Zandstra and Miriam Matthiessen (Community Land Trust Project), Antonia Praetorius (Microplastic Emissions from Textiles in Amsterdam Project) and Lisanne Kouwenberg (Reducting Environmental Impact of Health Care in Amsterdam through a co-creation systems approach), moderated by Dylan Suijker
This break-out group will discuss three projects that have received seed-grant funding from the UvA. Participants are invited to discuss and share ideas on the further development of these project and possible follow-up projects.
2. Amsterdam Climate Neutral 2030: Caroline Nevejan (Chief Science Officer, Gemeente Amsterdam), Annemarie van Wezel (Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics) and Ted Veldkamp (Advisor), moderated by Froukje Jansen
This break-out group will discuss the plans of the city of Amsterdam to become climate neutral by 2030 and research initiatives (of UvA and the other Amsterdam based knowledge institutions) that may support this ambition.
3. Building the UvA Sustainalab Clubhouse : Leo le Duc (Director Amsterdam Science Park) and Anikka Fulop (Sustainalab Representative)
This break-out group will discuss the plans of new Sustainalab; participants can discuss and share ideas on how Sustainalab can support research projects and partnerships with external parties.
4. Impact of Sustainability Research: Gert-Jan Gruter (Industrial Sustainable Chemistry (ISC) Group), Chris Slootweg (HIMS) and Mendel Giezen (Centre for Urban Studies), moderated by Joyce ten Holter
In this break-out group participants will discuss how UvA sustainability research can create impact, together with external parties.
5. Complexity methods for interdisciplinary sustainability research: Vitor Vasconcelos, Bas Chatel and Vittorio Nespeca (Informatics Institute)
In this break-out group participants will discuss how complexity methods can be used as a method in interdisciplinary sustainability research.
1625 - 1655 Interactive session: making USP work
1655 - 1700 Next steps with Peter van Tienderen (Vice-Chair Steering Group Sustainable Prosperity)
1700 Drinks