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The Centre for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) is delighted to announce the 2024 CSDS Thesis Excellence Award. This award celebrates outstanding master's and research master’s theses on key topics in environmental sustainability and related fields. The submission deadline is September 6, 2024.

The CSDS Thesis Excellence Award recognizes one outstanding master's thesis and one outstanding research master’s thesis on sustainability. The award includes a prize in each category, and up to two runners-up will be honored with certificates of excellence. The winners will also showcase their thesis to a diverse audience of scholars and industry professionals during a CSDS Symposium or Lecture Series.


•    The thesis was written in an UvA FMG department and received a grade of at least 8,0.
•    The thesis should relate to CSDS's research focus, and thus address environmental sustainability, climate change, SDGs, environmental justice and transitions, eco-friendly behavior, or related topics. 
•    The thesis was written and graded in the 2023-2024 academic year. Please submit the original thesis, not any later documents such as preprints or journal publications. 


•    Students may nominate themselves.
•    Supervisors or other parties are also welcome to nominate eligible students.

Submission deadline

•    6 September 2024

For more details about selection criteria and instructions, please download the call here.