The Water Justice Podcast with Prof. Joyeeta Gupta
15 March 2024
Safa Fanaian and Quentin Grafton are very pleased to be joined with Joyeeta Gupta, Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South at the University of Amsterdam and Professor of Law and Policy in Water Resources and Environment at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Professor Gupta is also co-chair of the Earth Commission and she is the latest winner of the the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award within the Netherlands. Professor Gupta offers her perspective on the relationship between water security and justice, while discussing the broader structural barriers to progress and why the topic of food should be central to such conversations.
This podcast was edited by Hannah Scott and executive produced by Quentin Grafton, Convenor of the Water Justice Hub at the Australian National University. This episode’s hosts are Quentin Grafton and Safa Fanaian.